Tuesday, June 10, 2014

fly by butterfly

i was sitting on the front porch,
 waiting for my daughter to arrive when i noticed a flutter by my side...

when i first looked, i couldn't see anything...
but then i felt the flutter again...
then... there amidst the jumble of colours, 
was this winged beauty....
it was hungrily sucking nectar off of the flowers...
it was having a great breakfast which gave me enough time to turn on my camera.
after getting its fill,
 it lifted away from its feeding frenzy....
and floated away right in front of me...
and then glided into the big blue sky...
then my daughter came out... ready for school... 
asking what all the excitement was about !?!
i responded,  "oh, it was just a butterfly... flying by... and making my day !!!"



  1. You got some great shots. That was a swallowtail, we love them around here and have been seeing quite a few lately. I love how simple things like this can make your day. It really is the simple things, eh?

  2. the simpler the better...i'm really easy to please...oh, and thanks for naming the swallowtail....


thank you for your kind words... they really do make my day !!!