Monday, August 4, 2014

SQWAARK hello, how are you? SQWAARK

meet milo...
he is part of the prairie cousin menagerie.

he is a white cap pionus parrot,
 approximately three and a half years old
he loves to eat nuts, and fresh organic vegetables and fruit... 
his favourites are mangoes, carrots, almonds, apricots, peaches, bok choy

while i was photographing him he decided he wanted to get to know me better,
and came to sit on my shoulder so he could whisper in my ear...
(check out  milo's mid-flight selfie)

SQWAARK  hello, how are you? SQWAARK !!!
milo is very talkative... especially around meal times.

he was so gentle and light on his claws..
while he did his little tap dance routine on my shoulder.

isn't he gorgeous?


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